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Mystery Coral (7769)
Mystery Coral
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Mystery Coral (7769)


LiveAquaria is excited to offer fantastic Coral Frags at an exceptional savings!

Our NEW LiveAquaria® Mystery Coral bin contains a premium selection of beautiful Coral Frags. Varieties include Xenia, Montipora, Photosynthetic Plating Red & Blue Sponge, Orange Eye Leptastrea, and Neon Pineapple Tree Coral.

All of these specimens ship from our LiveAquaria® Wisconsin Facility, home of our popular Diver's Den® WYSIWYG Store and our LiveAquaria® Certified Captive Grown Corals (CCGC). These Corals receive the highest level of care from our experienced and professional LiveAquaria staff.

The Coral you will receive will be selected from the available assortment. If you order 2 or more of these Corals, you will likely receive different varieties.

About the Corals:

Xenia Corals require adequate space between them and sessile animals, especially other types of soft corals. They are very easy to care for and great for the beginner enthusiast.

Montipora Corals come in a vast variety of forms and colors. They are peaceful and fast-growing. They can be placed in close proximity to other similar peaceful corals.

Photosynthetic Plating Red & Blue Sponge thrives in moderate to high water flow and requires proper lighting to maintain its vibrant coloration.

Orange Eye Leptastrea is a hardy encrusting coral that grows well under a range of lighting and flow conditions, making it an excellent choice for reef aquariums.

Neon Pineapple Tree Coral is a striking soft coral with unique branching structures, adding visual interest and diversity to any reef tank.

Polyps are colonial corals, and most of them are extremely hardy, making them ideal candidates for the beginner reef aquarist.

Blastomussa merletti Coral is a low-maintenance, large-polyp stony coral that thrives under moderate lighting and flow, making it great for mixed reef setups.

Orange Leptoseris Coral features a bright orange hue and a unique plating growth pattern, requiring moderate lighting and flow.

Green Leptoseris Coral is an encrusting coral with a vibrant green coloration, ideal for adding contrast to a reef aquarium.

Blue Ridge Coral has a distinctive blue skeleton with tan or brown polyps, providing structural diversity and a unique texture to reef tanks.

Green Cabbage Leather Coral is a hardy soft coral with a leafy, cabbage-like appearance, thriving in a variety of reef environments.

Blue Sympodium Coral is a beautiful, fast-growing encrusting soft coral with bright blue polyps, adding a pop of color and movement to any reef system.

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